What's Up With These Names?!
Most people who have encountered Anelthalien have asked about the name. They wonder what it is, where it came from, what it means, and...
This is where I'm telling the story of publishing Anelthalien. Some posts tell about how Anelthalien began, some tell of what is happening right now, and all tell how amazing God has been through all of it. Also, you might find the occasional guinea pig post or maybe even something different.
What's Up With These Names?!
Something Different
Innately An Illustrator
The Point of Relationships
Tools of Preparation
The Humility of Dependence
Rest In God Alone
Interwoven Strands
God, I'm Just Not Able
The Wrong Man for the Job
The Bright Sunrise
Just Listen
Abundant Provision
Focus On Something Different
What's The Purpose of Life?
A Way Where None Exists
You Give Them Something To Read